AC Aqua

AC Aqua is a natural humic acid water additive for use in hatcheries, flow-through, full/partial recirculation systems, and ponds to improve water quality.  Improving poor water quality is crucial to the long term success of a fish culture operation due to the negative impact of fish stress and increased susceptibility to pathogens.

Contact us for pricing and assistance at Syndel’s USA office at (800) 283-5292 or Syndel’s Canadian Office at (800) 663-2282. For International inquiries email [email protected]


AC Aqua (humic acid) is a natural, organic compound formed by the decomposition and humification of organic matter, particularly plants, over a lengthy period of time. Organic matter naturally found in terrestrial and aquatic habitats are often made up of humic substances. Fish and many other species have evolved in the presence of these substances over millennia. Although humic acid has been used for decades in agriculture as a microbial control agent to promote beneficial bacteria while creating a more ideal soil environment and is naturally occurring in freshwater environments, the finfish aquaculture industry has yet to fully incorporate it as a standard practice.

Sudden or fluctuating changes in water parameters or poor water quality can cause stress to fish, making them potentially susceptible to opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms and secondary infections. AC Aqua can improve water quality by helping to control ammonia spikes, flocculate out contaminates and harmful bacteria, and reduce waste in aquaculture systems. This helps to create an ideal environment for beneficial microbes to flourish and multiply. The use of AC Aqua prophylactically is a natural approach to improve water quality and the success of your operation.

Available Sizes: 10L Jug, 205L Drum, 1,000L Tote

For additional product information such as availability, package sizes, pricing, approvals, or other details relevant to your country or region, please contact Syndel.

Product Documentation / Resources

AC Aqua Brochure

AC Aqua SDS – Canada


AC Aqua Label

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